Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I think Spring is coming

Sure signs of SPRING: Robins, Daffodils and Tulips peeking up through the dirt and Flies. It makes me feel better to know that winter is all most gone, but I live in Utah it can be warm one day and snowing the next....


susette said...

That's the total truth. Just as I was getting ready to head to bed I looked out the window and what did I see? It certainly wasn't popcorn popping on the apricot tree. More like big white fluffy cotton balls (snow) Sheesh. I thought we were about done with this. It's pretty though. I'm not going to complain too much.

Pretty exciting news coming out of Boston, HUH???? Congratulations :)

Niki's Blog said...

Its so true Mom. I'm excited for Spring to be here but we have seen for the last 2 days it has snowed a little :( but winter is almost over!!!